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Taking Notes

Take Notes!

Notes are great study resources for tests and quizzes and help with organizing all of the information you learn through the year!

Scroll down for more tips to succeed!

Tips to succeed this year!

It may feel overwhelming sometimes to stay organized and to keep up with assignments. Here are some strategies to help you through completing your classes! As someone with ADHD, I also use some of these strategies in my day-to-day life.


Keep a To-Do List

Keeping a to-do list can be a great way to map out the day ahead. I like to add smaller things to the list as well like drinking water and eating breakfast so that I can work up to the larger tasks of the day. It's also nice to see what you were able to complete for the day as well.

Bullet Journal

Use a Calendar or Planner

Using a calendar can help with organizing the day. It can help with knowing what to work on and when. I use a calendar to help decrease the amount of stress and uncertainty I have about the day (and week) ahead. Your planner is a great resource to use as a calendar.


Take Breaks

It can be difficult some days to try to tackle everything on the to-do list, but taking short breaks throughout the day can be helpful in maintaining your drive to achieve your goals. In order to keep my productivity up through the day, I like to take a 5 to 10 minute brain break every hour to take a walk, talk with family, or to do a quick chore around the house.


Try to Use a Quiet and Organized Workspace

If possible, having a quiet, organized, and comfortable workspace is super helpful for staying focused and organized. It can be very difficult to work surrounded by distractions. I like to keep the TV off and keep my phone in another room.


Never be Afraid to Ask Questions

Asking questions helps us learn and to achieve our goals by allowing us to learn information that we need to know to succeed. Social Studies can be complex and confusing, so always make sure to ask questions whenever you have them!


Be Aware of your Mental Health and Wellbeing

As someone with anxiety myself, it has been very helpful for me to be aware of my mental health and wellbeing. If things are becoming too stressful, please reach out to us and we will do what we can to help. In addition, we also offer mental health days and Mrs. Petree's Quiet Corner is a great resource as well!

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