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Extra Credit Opportunities


To earn extra credit in the class, all you need to do is choose from any of the categories below and follow the directions for this assignment. Please note that you can only choose to do an extra credit option from the portfolio section or the test section. You CANNOT do both. You can do the participation extra credit opportunity up to twice even if you completed one of the other extra credit opportunities.  

Choose a type of project or contact me about a type of project that you don't see but want to do! If you do this, explain what grading category you would like this project to count towards as well. 

Complete the project and send it to me through webmail. The subject line should include the class you are in and the words “extra credit”

All projects must have facts. All projects must include a works cited page, even if information came from your book (you can include a page with your sources to do this). or Citation Machine are great resources for citing!

Portfolio Extra Credit

Option 1: Interview someone from another generation

Interview a parent, guardian, neighbor, grandparent, anyone older than you from another generation (you are Generation Z) to learn about what life was like at your age. This can be submitted as an audio, essay, or video. Please include a list of your questions as well.

Option 2: Make a poster/PowerPoint

Create a poster or PowerPoint presentation over a topic that you found interesting in any of the units from this semester. This cannot be a topic that another portfolio has already covered, make sure to choose something new.

Option 3: Create a rap/song or poem about your topic 

This can be typed out on a google doc or performed and taped then submitted. Get as creative with this as you want! The song can be any genre, just keep it appropriate. It should have at least two verses and a chorus. The poem can be in any poetic style but it must be at least 5 stanzas

Test Extra Credit

Option 1: Informative Essay

Write a 1-2 page essay discussing a topic that we discussed in the class. It should be in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Should have an introduction and conclusion. This cannot be a topic that you discussed in a previous portfolio and you should show outside knowledge (i.e. use sources other than the textbook or lessons).

Option 2: Video Posting​

Choose a test question or concept that you missed on a test or quiz. Create a video where you teach about the concept(s) or information covered in that question. Do not simply restate the question and the correct answer. Show me that you understand this concept, idea, event, person, etc. What/who is it, why is it important, how does it relate to your personal life, etc.?

Option 3: Vocab Project​

Choose a vocabulary term that you missed on a test or struggled to understand. Show your understanding of this vocab term by explaining what it means and why it is important. You can use any method you would like to do this (i.e. a brochure, presentation, song, poster, written explanation, recorded video, etc.). 

Participation Extra Credit

Option 1: Attend an Event (3 points each): Choose any outside event that is related to social studies. This could be a talk on a history topic, a virtual field trip, a government meeting, etc. Make sure to let me know what event you plan to attend so I can confirm that it is related. After attending this event, send me a webmail describing what the event was about in 1-2 sentences and then write at least one sentence telling me the most important or interesting thing you learned from the event you attended.

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